
Upbringing and reaping

Apart from the selection of varieties upbringing and reaping do have an essential influence on yield and plant health of the facility.

Primocanes – with one harvest per year
In the year of planting the canes are grown. Depending on the date of planting and the development a small yield can be expected. In autumn/winter, the canes get cut near the ground. In spring, new canes sprout from the root buds and get harvested in autumn.

Primocanes – with two harvests in the second year of production
In the year of planting the canes are grown. Depending on the date of planting and the development a small yield can be expected. After harvesting, root segments get cut below the last inflorescence. The cane below the last inflorescence remains in place over winter and can be harvested in the following year. Usually the harvest takes place 2 – 3 weeks before the harvest of summer raspberries. Pa­rallel to this harvest one grows young canes. These carry a yield in the autumn of the same year. After the third harvest a new planting of the stock usually takes place.

This kind of cultivation of raspberries is much more intensive and usually takes place in special companies. Cultivation below rain capes or in a tunnel is recommended. This cultivation method often comes along with cultivation in substrate. First experiences have shown that high yields and an expansion of the harvesting period can be achieved by combining new autumn varieties and this production method.